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Florae Insularum Novae Zelandiae Precursor
A facsimile of Allan Cunningham's 17 articles published between 1837 and 1840 assembled into a single volume. This is an important but often overlooked contribution to New Zealand botanical discovery.

Florae Insularum Novae Zelandiae Precursor
A facsimile of Allan Cunningham's Precursor to the New Zealand Flora assembled for the first time into a single volume. The original was published as 17 articles between 1837 and 1840 and were an important contribution to early New Zealand botanical discovery. 193 pages hardbound. Price includes GST and delivery.

Illustrated guide to NZ sun orchids
An illustrated guide to the Thelymitra (Orchidaceae) of NZ

1 copy Thelymitra guide delivered within New Zealand
Identification key illustrated with colour photos and detailed descriptions of sun orchids in New Zealand. A5, 64 pages, full colour throughout. Price includes GST and postage.

Threatened Plants of New Zealand
Book describing NZ's 189 extinct or threatened plant species. Information is provided about identification, threats and distribution (Authors: Peter de Lange, Peter Heenan, David Norton, Jeremy Rolfe & John Sawyer).

1 copy: Threatened plant book
Threatened Plants of New Zealand (including GST and postage)
(Members price $87.00 - Login to receive discount)
2 copies: Threatened plant book
Threatened Plants of New Zealand (including GST and postage)
(Members price $170.00 - Login to receive discount)
3 copies: Threatened plant book
Threatened Plants of New Zealand (including GST and postage)
(Members price $254.00 - Login to receive discount)

Network plant training modules
The Network has developed 4 plant training modules: An introduction to NZ's plant life, Covenant management, Streamside and wetland management, Nursery management and plant propagation.

1 copy: Training Module 1 - Introduction to plant life in NZ
Introduction to plant life in NZ - Marae-based plant training module. This includes chapters on plant names, where plants grow and why, the plant life cycle and growth form and plant identification. Price includes GST and postage.
(Members price $35.00 - Login to receive discount)
Managing Conservation Covenants: Training Module 2 (1 copy)
Managing conservation covenants - Marae-based plant training module. This includes chapters on fencing, managing animal pests. weed control, replanting and restoration and monitoring. Price includes GST and postage.
(Members price $30.00 - Login to receive discount)
Native plant nursery management and plant cultivation: Training Module 3 (1 copy)
This course booklet is 55 pages long and includes chapters on: Plant nursery management; Cultivation of NZ indigneous plants; Propagation from seeds and spores; Special sowing techniques; Propagation from cuttings.
(Members price $25.00 - Login to receive discount)

Threatened plant poster
Full colour A2 poster of NZ's threatened plantlife.

1 copy: Poster
Threatened plant poster - A2 colour poster of NZ threatened plants (price includes GST and postage)
(Members price $5.00 - Login to receive discount)

NZ Plant Checklists
The Network has published national checklists of indigenous and naturalised vascular plant species.

NZ Naturalised Vascular Plant Checklist
NZ Naturalised Vascular Plant Checklist was published in 2006, written by Clayson Howell and John Sawyer. Price includes GST and postage.
(Members price $14.00 - Login to receive discount)
Indigenous vascular plant checklist for 2010
The new checklist builds on that published by the Network in 2006, providing a comprehensive summary of the New Zealand indigenous vascular flora. Designed to be used as a quick off-the-shelf reference, the checklist has been prepared for the Network in cooperation with the Department of Conservation by Peter J. de Lange and Jeremy Rolfe. Price includes GST and postage.
(Members price $18.00 - Login to receive discount)

Conference proceedings and strategies
From time to time the Network publishes conference proceedings and strategic documents. These include the report from the 2008 conference at Te Papa, Wellington.

Celebrating our native plant life
Conference proceedings from the Network's 2008 conference held at Te Papa, Wellington. Includes abstracts and workshop summaries. Price includes GST and postage.
(Members price $15.00 - Login to receive discount)