The Network Online Shop
Orders should be delivered within 10 business days. For enquiries about your order please email the Network ( quoting your order number. Prices for items in your shopping cart always reflect the most up-to-date product prices.
Learn about using the Network's shop.
Orders should be delivered within 10 business days. For enquiries about your order please email the Network ( quoting your order number. Prices for items in your shopping cart always reflect the most up-to-date product prices.
Learn about using the Network's shop.
Adding an item to your shopping cart does not reserve it. It will only be assigned to your order once you click to Confirm your order and receive e-mail confirmation that the network has received it.
- Find an item (or items) that interests you.
- Choose how many of the item you would like by clicking the ADD button to add to your shopping cart.
- If you want to buy multiple quantities of an item change the number in the Quantity box and click the UPDATE quantities. If you want to remove an item from your shopping cart click the Remove link next to the Quantity box.
- Fill out the Delivery Details form and press GO TO CHECKOUT >
- Check the details of your order and press CONFIRM ORDER >
- Fill out your credit card details and press SUBMIT
Orders should be delivered within 10 business days. For enquiries about your order please email the Network ( quoting your order number.
Shopping Cart
Delivery Details