Plant distribution data

Please note: Due to collection risk, the coordinates for all threatened plant and native orchid records have been blurred. Please contact the Network if you need the original information for a conservation purpose ( Note that for sourcing data from the National Vegetation Survey database full species co-occurrence data from plots is best sourced directly from NVS.

To read about the accuracy of the data click here.

This data has been sourced from the Network's national flora database. This data may not always be 100% accurate and observations are rarely verified with herbarium specimens. Inaccuracies may be due to observer error or through errors made when loading data into the database. The data is made up of records from DOC's plant database (approx. 95% accurate), the Network's distribution database including phenology data (approx. 90% accurate) and a national plant checklist database developed by Graeme Jane (approx. 85% accurate) and the National Vegetation Survey database, run by Landcare Research (approximately 95% accurate). We are working to improve the accuracy of this data and any feedback is welcome (E: In the meantime we recommend field checking data to confirm occurrences.

To read about how to acknowledge the data click here.

When using data from this website please acknowledge the Plant Conservation Network and the original data sources. All users of NVS data sourced from the NZPCN website must provide a clear acknowledgement of NVS as a data source in any products (e.g. publications, unpublished reports) in the following manner: We <or User/Institution name> acknowledge the use of species occurrence data <or other information> drawn from the National Vegetation Survey Database (NVS).

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