Summer Course - Practical Field Botany
Summer Course - Practical Field Botany
University of Canterbury
Venue: Mountain Biological Field Station at Cass, Canterbury
Dates: 19-27 January 2017
Practical Field Botany (BIOL305) is an intensive, short summer course designed to meet the need for training in the collection, preparation, and identification of botanical specimens. It is a flipped-classroom course in which traditional lectures are replaced by field-based projects and associated workshops and discussions.
This course will be valuable for students who intend to seek employment in areas such as field ecology, conservation, biodiversity, and taxonomy or biosystematics. It will also be of interest to members of the workforce who need to acquire or upgrade taxonomic skills, e.g., from Crown Research Institutes, Department of Conservation, Local and Regional Councils, Botanic Gardens, horticulture, and teaching.
The course is targeted at participants with various entry levels: from students with a limited plant knowledge to experienced career professionals.
Goals of the course
- to enable participants tobecome familiar with the plants of the central Canterbury mountains, identify and name plants correctly and accurately using online and hard-copy identification keys,
- take and edit scientific-quality plant photos,
- maximise usefulness and minimise environmental impact when collecting specimens,
- prepare high quality voucher specimens of plants,
- use scientific names to access detailed information about New Zealand plants,
- understand the patterns of variation within populations,
- appreciate unique and unusual aspects of the New Zealand flora.
Please follow this link to read the Course Outline for more detailed information.
Enrollment starts 4 October 2016
You can enrol online at What is myUC or by contacting the Contact Centre at 0800 VARSITY (827 748) or