2013 AGM, Awards Ceremony and public talk
Join us on 6 November for the 2013 AGM and Plant Conservation Awards Ceremony and public 'Mackenzie Basin - A Case for Protection' to be given by recent Loder Cup recipient Nicholas Head.
5.30pm AGM and Network Awards Ceremony
7.00pm Food and drinks followed by public talk
Venue Wellington City Council, Committee Room 1, Ground Floor, 101 Wakefield St, Wellington
Download the flyer and circulate to your friends and colleagues:
2013 AGM flyer
Nicholas Head will present a talk about the opportunities and challenges for protecting the Mackenzie Basin. Nick has been a strong advocate for the conservation of threatened dryland ecosystems of the South Island and will present a case for their protection from the increasing pressure of development. The Mackenzie Basin is a national stronghold for a range of naturally rare ecosystems which in turn host a number of threatened and at risk plant and animal species.
Members and non-members welcome. For more information contact us at: info@nzpcn.org.nz