We Want your stories, news and events!

The Network newsletter (Trilepidea) has been published since 2003 as a means for Network members to communicate with each other about their work, plant conservation news and events. It is read by thousands of people, and helps connect plant conservationists across the country.

If you have something you would like considered for inclusion in Trilepidea, please let us know. Contributions are welcome at any time. The closing date for articles for each issue is approximately the 15th of each month.

Please note: Articles may be edited and used in the newsletter and/or on the website news page.  While we will consider any article about plants and plant conservation we do have a particular focus on the plant life of New Zealand and Oceania.  Generally, there is a word limit of 1000 words per article.  Longer articles are welcome but, with your help, either an abridged version will appear in the newsletter and the full story will be posted on the website, or the article may be published in two or more parts across two or more newsletter editions.  Accompanying images should be JPG format, max 500kB.

Articles, news and events can be submitted directly to info@nzpcn.org.nz.