2019 Australasian Systematic Botany Society + New Zealand Plant Conservation Network joint conference
We invite you to register for the 2019 Australasian Systematic Botany Society + New Zealand Plant Conservation Network joint conference to be held at the Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa, Wellington, New Zealand in the last week of November.
Start planning now! Spaces in workshops and field trips are limited, so register early to get your top choices.
Check out the recently updated conference website to get all the important details about conference dates, venue, accommodation, programme, keynote speakers, field trips, workshops, silent auction, and more!
The conference theme, ‘Taxonomy for Plant Conservation – Ruia mai i Rangiātea’ aims to capitalise on the vast expertise of our two societies. There will be multiple upskilling workshops, three days of symposia, and a chance to explore Wellington’s forests and rugged coastlines on our five different full-day field trips.
Feel free to contact the organising committee by email if you have any queries: plants2019nz@gmail.com, otherwise we will keep subscribers to this web site up to date with developments, or follow us on Facebook or Twitter for announcements.
We look forward to seeing you in Wellington in November!
Ngā mihi nui
Nā Rewi, Heidi and the Organising Committee
Thank you to our sponsors!
We would like to thank our sponsors that are showing their commitment to plant conservation networking by supporting our conference.
If you or your organisation is in a position to show your support please contact us for a sponsorship package today at info@nzpcn.org.nz